Sunday, May 17, 2009

Problem-Solution of personal waste

Nowadays, our personal wastes are becoming a very serious problem in rising global warming. Since people use more electricity and throw more stuff, carbon dioxide will release more and more. However, reduce the general waste and the use of toxic materials is a very big challenge for people to achieve. In this essay I’ll examine three main reasons of the problem and suggest other important solutions people can follow to manage their waste.

There are three main reasons why people are wasting the environment. Surviving is one cause. In the modern life, people utilize electricity in their every single moment. In addition, electrical energy runs everything in people everyday life. Businesses, restaurants, houses, and even transportations can’t stand without it (Energyigloo). Availability is another reason. People tend to be less active and look for easier ways to find their needs especially in foodstuff. Junk food can be found everywhere unlike organic one which is hard to be available in any grocery (Blurter). Being busy is the further main reason. Cars are a very important transit for most of the people. People don’t have much time to walk to their work. They use cars to save their important time from wasting (Buchanan). However, the annual car production was around 53 million cars in 2008, where you can imagine the carbon dioxide that producing from cars’ exhausts (Worldometers). Though, these three important reasons are a very big issue to increase global warming. As a result of burning more fuel and coil to produce even electricity or which come from the factories.
The problem of people’s waste can be reduced by following several strategies.
First, reduce the uses of electricity by increasing the educational awareness. People have to work closely with each other to decrease utilizing the energy. For example, using CFL lighting and energy efficient appliances, and adding insulation, turning off the light when not in use, and use alternative ways for warming/cooling (Wiki Green, 2008). A second approach is to implement changes in the eating habit. For example, plants own organic garden in the back yard if it is not available in the supermarket. Moreover, try to replace meats with vegetables in the eating habit (Reducing your impact, 2009). Thirdly, use public transit. For instance, take the bus and leave your car in the garage, this will reduce the uses of cars in the street as well as reduce the carbon emission in the atmosphere (PR Newswire, 2009).

As can be seen, there is no one solution to the problem of personal waste. Educational authorities, people and transportation authority need to work closely together to find the reason to reduce the overall wastes of the citizens, and to try to do as much as possible to encourage them to save the energy for the future.


"How to reduce your carbon footprint." Wiki Green. 9 Sept. 2008. 27 Apr. 2009

"Protect the Environment; Ride a Bus." PR Newswire. (April 20, 2009): NA. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009

"Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." Reducing your impact. 2009. 27 Apr. 2009

Blurter, Uber. "Why do people eat so much junk food? - Blurtit." Ask and Answer Questions at Blurtit - Ask a Question and Get It Answered Now. 8 Feb. 2007. 17 May 2009

Buchanan, Malcolm. "Why we need a transport revolution." UW Faculty Web Server. 15 Aug. 2005. Transport Research Institute, Napier University, Edinburgh. 17 May 2009

Cars produced in the world - Worldometers." Worldometers - real time world statistics. 17 May 2009

Energyigloo. "The Importance of Electricity �." Energy Igloo Electricity Blog. 17 Dec. 2007. 17 May 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cool Cities!!

After the industrial revolution, pollution and CO2 emission is rising dramatically especially in modern communities. However, the main reasons of this are as a result of building commands and transportations, so all over the world, communities are trying to resolve this issue by building which called the “Cool Cities”. Hybrid cars, energy efficient buildings, and renewable energy are just a few of the many ways to make this real (About Cool Cities). In this essay I’m going to outline two main reasons why “Cool Cites” can’t be the resolution to stop off people’s contamination.

The first main reason is the massive population growth. In 2008 the world population number was around 6 billion 7 hundred thousand. However, it is expected to grow up to reach 9 billion by 2050 (World population). On the other hand, “Masdar” which is the sponsor of the first “Cool City” project in the Middle East desires the new cool city for only 47 thousand people (Cheung). Though, this is not a 1% of the UAE population, what about the remaining of the world.

The second main reason is the huge number of cost. The cost of “Masdar” is about $22 billion for only one city with around 50 thousand people (Cheung). This mean to cover the world population we need around 134 thousand cool cities which will cost an uncalculated number that the world can’t pay with the vast number of poor countries.
In conclusion, cool cities are a very smart idea to reduce carbon emission in the world. However, there are many challenges stop in the face of this project. “Masdar” is making superior plan to make people live in less-polluted cities as a result to reduce global warming. I believe that the huge number of cost could be spent in different useful programs to reduce toxic waste rather than spend them in “Cool Cities”.

"About Cool Cities." Cool Cities - Solving Global Warming One City at a Time. 09 May 2009

"World population -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 09 May 2009

Cheung, Philip. "Masdar’s green dream is not for all." Home Page - The National Newspaper. 25 Apr. 2008. 09 May 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Carbon Footprint!!

Many people don’t know any single data about carbon footprint, or even what it is about. And much more people, unfortunately, don’t care about their wastes in the earth. In this essay I’m going to cover as much as I can about carbon footprint and the possible methods to reduce my output wastes, how to measure ones carbon dioxide waste, and then compare it to others.

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change (Reducing your impact, 2009). The person can calculate his carbon dioxide waste by using different websites that help determine carbon footprints. These sites ask you some regular questions regarding to your normal lifestyle in food, transportation, home, and usual stuff you generally use in your daily life like electricity, wood, fuel, etc. However, after answering these questions they calculate how much of the planet's resources you use per year, and converts this to the amount of land needed to provide the resources and assimilate your waste in tons per year.

However, I and my colleague Yaser measured our carbon dioxide waste in two different websites. These sites show how much we are wasting in food, travel, home, and additional stuff. Our average plant resource is almost similar with 2.14 earths and 2.09 earths respectively. As well the average carbon emission is nearly alike. My carbon footprint was 13.47 tons per year, while Yaser was slight higher with 14.65 tons per year. We are comparable in using the main consumption of energy which is cooling while we are differing in transportation and additional stuff.

In fact it has been showed that the UAE has the highest figure of carbon dioxide emissions in the world (Seema) which let me investigate more deeply about this reality. Therefore, I compared the UAE’s carbon footprint with Austria’s footprint which is almost the same area with double of population. Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that the UAE is wasting the planet almost the double of what Austria do. The UAE is producing 1000 tons of CO2 every 3 and half minute, while Austria which is double our population is producing 1000 tons of carbon dioxide per 6.8 minute. This fact put in the picture that the UAE really has a very bad effort in poising the earth.

We can reduce our carbon footprint by being more ecologically friendly, how? First, lower the carbon footprint in our houses. This is by using CFL lighting and energy efficient appliances, and adding insulation. Also, turn off lights, television, DVD player, electricity, computer etc. when not in use. As well, fill the dish washer and washing machine with a full load, this will save water, and electricity (Wiki Green, 2008). Second, lower your buying habits footprint. Try to choose organic vegetables instead of genetic one. Although, plants you own garden in the back yard instead of drive to the supermarket. Moreover, try to replace meats with vegetables. Third, lower your wastes in transportation. Go for a run rather than drive to the gym. Besides, do your weekly shopping in a single trip. Finally, lower your studies footprint. Reduce the need to copy and print. When you need to, copy and print on both sides of the paper, use a ceramic coffee mug instead of disposable cups, and keep a hand towel at your desk and carry it to the restroom instead of using paper towels (Reducing your impact, 2009).

In conclusion, carbon footprint is a very useful measurement to inform us how much wastes we are making during our life. There are many useful tips to reduce our carbon dioxide wastes easily. I believe if each one of us starts by now turning off his room’s light and reduce his uses of paper, he will save electricity for the next generation in the future.


"How to reduce your carbon footprint." Wiki Green. 9 Sept. 2008. 27 Apr. 2009

"Reduce Your Carbon Footprint." Reducing your impact. 2009. 27 Apr. 2009

Heroes of the UAE. 30 Apr. 2009

Seema. "Carbon Footprint by Country." Swivel Preview. 24 July 2007. 30 Apr. 2009

WWF Footprint Calculator. 30 Apr. 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"An Inconvenient truth" argument

Global warming is a wide issue which is going broadly over the years. Human being is the main cause of global warming, this what Al Gore discussed in his speech of “An Inconvenient Truth” movie. Many critics criticized Al Gore’s point of view even positively or negatively. This essay will examine two argument reviews for and against the movie.

One writer was against Al Gore’s point of view and he supported his idea with some reasons. First, the movie has many inaccurate facts and unnecessarily details. For example, Al Gore’s told that the sea level raised by 6 meters in the last decade, however, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) figures showed that the sea level rose by 6 cm. Therefore, Al Gore exaggerated the figures almost 100 times. Secondly, it was not convenient for him to talk about his family and his personal life in the movie (Medley).

On the other hand, another writer supported the view of the movie with some reasons. The documentary movie discussed a very important issue which is global warming and also showed how it affects the earth very badly. Though, "An Inconvenient Truth" is a necessary film for many people and teens, because it makes them understand the causes of this series issue and makes them more careful and alert. This film is an interesting educational method to interact people with global warming issue (SCOTT).

Overall, Al Gore gave a clear point about how our plant is affects by the human activities in his film. In my point of view, the movie gave an obvious motivating message for all who watch it to be more careful and take more care of our big home which calls “earth”.


Medley, Tony. "An Inconvenient Truth." Home. 12 May 2006. 15 Apr. 2009

SCOTT, A. O. "Movie Review - An Inconvenient Truth - Warning of Calamities and Hoping for a Change in 'An Inconvenient Truth' -" Movie Reviews, Showtimes and Trailers - Movies - New York Times. 24 May 2006. 15 Apr. 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Global Warming!!

Earth is warming!! Earth has warmed by about 1ºF over the past 100 years. Increasing the heat of the earth called global warming. This occurrence happened due to serious causes and it’s becoming a very risky problem to the world.

There are many causes of Global warming. The causes are divided into two groups, man-made and natural causes. Man-made causes come from the pollution they made. By burning the fossil fuels (coil or oil) in the factories and industrial unite which cause increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone. However, natural causes come from the release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse gas. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere.

There is a big fear in rising sea levels, glacier retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and altered patterns of agriculture are cited as direct consequences of human activities which make a future fear for the creatures.


"Cause and effect for global warming." Time for change. 14 Jan. 2007. 7 Mar. 2009 .

"Global Warming Causes." Tropical-Rainforest-Animals. May 2008. 6 Mar. 2009 .